🏆How to start a successful online business in 5 simple steps

how to start a successful online business in five 
simple steps hey have you been wanting to start a   business online but you say man there's too many 
things to do it's too tough it's too difficult   it really isn't as a matter of fact in this video 
i'm going to show you the five steps you need to   take to start a successful online business now 
i own several online businesses sold millions   of dollars in both digital and physical products 
in this video i just want to share with you those   five steps you can get going and you can get great 
results too so let's get to it another thing we   want to get to is subscribing hit that subscribe 
button down there don't forget to do that and   ring the bell turn on all bell notifications 
so that you're notified every single time i   do a new video or i go live which i 
do once a week so check that out too   if you're not subscribed you won't know 
about it though so you gotta subscribe   okay so let's get into these five steps okay now i 
i would say the first mistake that everybody makes   is going out and trying to find a really cool 
product they go out and they go you know man i   just gotta find something so i don't have 
anything to sell i need something to sell   that is not how you're gonna start a successful 
online business is finding an item sell because   a product itself is not a business okay a business 
and you gotta start changing your way of thinking   about this a business is selling within a 
niche okay and if you don't know what niche is   a niche is an area of interest okay an area of 
interest to give you an example we sell survival   food okay i have a company called survival k food 
and the niche is survival okay that's the niche   the product is not survival but that's the niche 
now one of the products in that survival niche is   survival food so our first step number one okay if 
you want to jot this down is pick a niche you want   to pick a niche that's the important thing you 
want to pick something that people are passionate   about it could be tennis it could be race cars 
it could be football it could be dancing it could   be playing guitar whatever it is pick that niche 
and then you can sell products within that niche   number two you need to find a supply of products 
okay so no matter what niche you're in you want   to make sure there's more than one product out 
there okay so a pet rock would be a good example   when i was a kid they sold pet rocks that was 
definitely not a niche could that be a long you   know standing business probably not okay unless 
your niche was novelties and you had a bunch of   other different novelties and that's the next 
key to this is make sure there's enough products   within that niche to sell to that particular 
market now chess i think is a cool niche   however there's not too many products you could 
sell in a chess niche okay you got a chess board   you got pieces maybe you got some instruction you 
got those timer clocks which i have no idea how   that works but i've watched some movies on that 
but the bottom line is chess would be a tough   niche to sell within now if you were selling in 
a niche and you called it board games well that   opens up a whole lot more right because you could 
sell chess sets and you could sell monopoly and   you could sell backgammon you could all these 
different games that would be a niche but chess   itself not really a niche that would be a tough 
one make sure there's a lot of products to sell   within your niche super important that was number 
two number three build a sales page yes we have to   sell people say well i don't want to sell well 
then you shouldn't be online okay you shouldn't   feel like because that's what we do online every 
day i'm a marketer i'm a digital marketer internet   marketer whatever you want to call it i sell stuff 
online i sell courses i sell survival food i sell   products my wife has courses she has products but 
we sell okay and you've got to sell your products   now the best thing to do to sell your product 
is to have a sales page now if you don't have   a sales page you're going to be largely dependent 
upon another site so maybe it's going to be etsy   maybe it's going to be amazon maybe it's going to 
be ebay one of those other you know third-party   sites the problem with these third-party 
sites and i know i started off with them   was that they control your business if you've 
got your products listed on a site let's say ebay   and i did in the beginning of my business i had 
all my products listed on ebay and one day they   shut down my account and that's that's that's 
the story for another time but i was out of   business that day i was out of business that day 
okay i couldn't make any money because i had put   all my eggs in one basket and they were all ebay 
everything was on ebay and i was making good money   but we had some business difficulties and couldn't 
make some deliveries they decided that my account   wasn't any good anymore so be very careful when 
you say you know jr i don't need to have a site i   don't need to have a sales page yes you do because 
one day it's going to come around to bite you i   almost guarantee it now what do i recommend 
for building a sales page i recommend kartra   kartra is one of the best softwares on the market 
i will put a link in the description down there   you can watch a video on kartra you can see what 
it does and it doesn't just build sales pages it's   an email provider it does email sequences oh my 
gosh you can host videos in there you can put   memberships you can do all these different things 
but one of the things it does is a sales page and   that's one of the things i said you need so would 
definitely look at kartra and check that out if   you watch that video it will walk you through 
everything you need and you're going to see stuff   in there you're going to go wow i didn't even know 
i needed that but that's pretty cool i could do   that with Kartra yes you can do that with Kartra 
there is no other piece of software out there   that does everything that Kartra does and on this 
channel i'm going to do some comparison videos to   Kartra and other software's out there so you can 
actually see what the differences are number four   you're going to need to promote your 
products promote your products in other words   you're going to need to get your products in front 
of other people now there are two basic ways to do   that and underneath those two basic ways there's a 
multitude of ways to do it but the first basic way   is run an ad okay run an ad so you can run an ad 
on facebook and i have a course below if you don't   know facebook check out the course below there's a 
link down there you could run an ad on twitter you   could run an ad on instagram you could run it out 
of google on on youtube there's so many different   places you can run ads but it costs money okay 
costs money to run ads that's fact and the truth   is most people that run ads are not successful and 
it's not that they're not successful because ads   don't work because ads most certainly do work it's 
because they did it wrong okay if you do it wrong   you just don't get the good results and if you 
don't have training like you go out and try to   run facebook ads right now without training and 
i almost guarantee you're going to lose money   so you know if you want check out that course down 
there there's there's a training course you can go   through for free and then i offer you the actual 
training for facebook ads so check that out but   the bottom line is you need training you're not 
going to be able to figure this out on your own   if you're going to want to run ads and so 
what happens is a lot of people say well i   don't have much money jr so i'm just going to 
try some ads and i'm not going to get training   well then you're going to really lose out okay 
the thing you need to do before you run ads   is to figure out how to run ads because if you 
just go run ads and you don't get any training   you're guaranteed to lose because you don't 
know you can't know which don't know so if you   don't have money i get that that's okay you can 
start without money but you're gonna have to go   the other route the other route is social media 
social media social media takes a lot of time   okay so you you either have to invest time or 
money when you're growing your business there's   only two things you've got okay you've got time 
and money if you've got time and money well you're   pretty good off all right but the bottom line is 
most people don't have both i know i didn't have   both in the beginning and you know i would 
have to do social media i would have to use   third party sites until i learned all these other 
things i would say if you don't know these things   check out some of the videos on my channel here 
we'll teach you some of those things you've got   to get knowledge you've got to educate yourself 
you can't just jump out there and say tell me the   four things i need to do because there's not four 
things okay there's a lot of things you need to   learn and you know if you don't have the money for 
a course go through my channel watch 100 videos   this week and i guarantee you you're going to be 
a lot smarter on marketing online than you were   before you watch those 100 videos because that's 
all i talk about on this channel is how to make   money online and we've done it we've made millions 
of dollars online in both digital and physical   products why not learn from somebody who's done it 
and number five do email marketing oh did i miss   this did i miss this in the beginning i missed out 
so bad my list could be so much bigger than what   it is right now in the beginning i didn't really 
know what email marketing was i didn't understand   that the most important asset that you can have i 
believe to this day is an email list as a matter   of fact i know for a fact i can take my email list 
right now let's say my survival food one and i   can put out an offer as long as it's a good offer 
and within minutes i'll have money within minutes   i'll have money now it that sounds easy and you 
say why don't you do that every few minutes well   first off you don't want to burn out your list 
okay you don't want to do that and secondly to   set up that offer to do that takes time so it's 
not a matter of just sending the email you got   to write the email you got to put together the 
offer you know you got to have reasons for you   know people buying that particular product you 
had to have built up your email list you had to   provide them with content so that they like your 
company so that they trust you but if you do those   things i'm telling you the most profitable thing 
you can do is email marketing now i recommend once   again Kartra the same product i told you about for 
build your sales pages you'll want to use it for   your email it will do both of these for you that's 
why Kartra so cool is it does everything for you   and once again in the description down there 
there's a link where you can actually watch   a video on Kartra and all the things it does and 
by the way if you watch that video and you use my   link i am an affiliate okay and you can actually 
get a discount and you can actually get Kartra for   one dollar one dollar trial okay so one dollar 
is pretty cheap for you to get in there kind of   check things out and kick the tires so that is 
your five steps okay that is your five steps to   building a successful business online they are 
simple steps i didn't say they're easy okay i did   say they're simple now i will tell you it becomes 
easier and easier and easier the more you do these   steps okay you're gonna learn more innovative 
ways to do it matter of fact on this channel   you can search any of these things too on my 
channel and i've probably got another video   on it this channel has over 700 videos on how to 
make money online 700 that's a lot of videos okay   so why not take advantage of that um you 
don't have to buy a course if you want   to of course you're gonna you're gonna get 
to your end goal a lot faster if you check   out one of my courses because it actually 
focuses on those particular subjects however   if you just want to watch free videos i'm 
okay with that too that's cool now what i'd   like for you to do i mean i'd really like for 
you to do and i want you to do this a whole lot   smash the subscribe button down there you got to 
hit the subscribe button you got to ring the bell   that was not good bell ring there we go you got 
to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so   that you get notified every single time i do one 
of these videos and i want to hear your comments   you know have you sold anything online have you 
tried to do stuff what worked for you what didn't   work for you also if you've got questions about 
how to do any one of these five steps i answer   the comments in there i get in there every 
day i try to answer as many as i possibly can   please put your comments below and give me some 
input it means so much to me don't forget to   smash that like button too if you like this video 
that would be very helpful and uh yeah so i guess   that's it hope i helped you out i'll see you in 
the next video hey thanks for watching my video   don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click 
that little bell right here so you can be notified   every time i do a new video also click on one of 
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