Youtube Earning Free Masterclass | How to Make Money on Social Media | Online Income

Can you really earn enough money from YouTube to be financially free? How much money can YouTube give you every month? You must be wondering about this. There are many people who want to be content creators on YouTube. In fact, they want to spread it on the overall social media. But what are the secrets? How can you become a successful content creator? And how can you maximize your earnings from YouTube? How can you earn more money? Today's video is dedicated to these questions.

You will get answers to many of your questions from this video. And there are many things that you may not have clarity on. Today I will not only tell you what you have to pay attention to. How you will get more money. I will show you my own analytics. And I will explain to you how you can become a successful content creator very quickly. And you will earn more money. So let's start this YouTube masterclass. Why are we talking specifically about YouTube? Because yes, you can earn a lot of money from YouTube. There are many people who are struggling in today's world. They want to grow on YouTube. The video will be very useful. If you like it, then do share it. Now if you want to be successful on YouTube. So people pay attention to the fact that we have more views. But only views are not the only parameter that will make you successful.

You have to pay attention to four things. Now what are those four things? Let's understand number one. We are definitely going to pay attention to the views. That we get more views. This is always positive for us. But another aspect that is more important than views. Which many people ignore. That is watch time. You will see that very few people talk about it. I am going to talk the most about watch time.

And I will tell you why it is important. Because now people want to grow their subscribers on YouTube. How will your subscribers grow? We are going to talk about it too. And does more money come from more subscribers? If you have a question in your mind, you are going to get the answer to it. And then definitely for whom you have come to this video. How will you earn maximum revenue from YouTube? So there are four things here and we have to take all four together. The graph of these four is shown to you on your YouTube studio. So what you have to see is that the graph should not go down. Views, watch time, subscribers and revenue. Your graph of all four should not go down. I am going to show you exactly now. How do you see it? I turn on my screen recording here. So that I can show you exactly. So now we come here on YouTube analytics. Just a second.

So you go to YT studio. So you see analytics here. This way you see some graph. This graph should not go down. Your focus should be on this way. This way you see watch time. This way you see subscribers. Now I will not go ahead. I know you have come to this video for that. But we don't want to go there. Let's continue. So now we are giving you more information. So I don't want to attract you. I just care more about giving information. You should get value. When we are talking about these views. You see 28 days, 90 days, 365 days. You see the graph here. If this graph is going down drastically.

Then there is a problem. But what people do, what mistakes do they make. You understand it one by one. People come to the shots to get views. You are making videos in two ways. One is your normal videos. You are seeing normal videos. And one is your shots. What is the difference between videos and shots? Shots are those videos that are less than a minute. And if you upload them separately. Then it comes in the section of shots. Now the shot is all those videos that are less than a minute.

And what videos are here. Which is of 23 minutes, 29 minutes, 25 minutes. Which is definitely above a minute. Now if you upload a shot. I am just giving a hack here. If you set its premiere. Then it will not go in the shot. It is less than a minute. Then also it will see you in normal videos. So when you are uploading a shot. You don't have to premiere. You can just schedule. Just a tip continue. So now. Who should focus on? What people do. They think that YouTube promotes shots quickly. I will make shots. And because it is less than a minute. So this same shot. Like we put a shot. Here 91,000 views in 15 hours. Now we have not only put this shot on YouTube. We have also uploaded it on Instagram. If you go to my Instagram. So here you can see my Instagram. We have uploaded this same shot. That is 15 hours ago. There are about 266,000 views here. Now you will say that there are more views on Instagram. So should I focus on Instagram? Look, the first thing is if you are making reel on Instagram. Then you will not get any special money to make reel.

There are some limited creators who are getting money. Otherwise, a common man will not get money. I will tell you clearly. So you don't get money to upload videos on Instagram. You don't earn money on Instagram videos. Because these videos don't have ads. Ads don't come, so money doesn't come. But YouTube is something different. YouTube shares 55% revenue with its creators. Means if an ad comes on a video. And the advertiser spends 100 rupees.

Then you will get 55 rupees. Now the short videos. Because these are less than a minute videos. So there are very few ads on them. Only banner ads come. So its revenue is very less. Now I will show you. Now what people do wrong. They think that YouTube will get a lot of views on short. Views will come very fast. In the beginning, YouTube was promoting shorts. But now the competition has increased. Shorts are becoming more. And entertainment shorts have come in the market. So views definitely come more. But views is not equal to revenue. I will show you. I go to most viewed. So I see if I have a short. On which there are 6 views. For example, this is my YouTube short. It has 10 million views. Now you will think that 10 million. There are 1 crore views. So there should be a lot of money on 1 crore views. You must be thinking that 1 crore views have come. Now I am going to show you the full analytics.

Click here. There are 10 million views. So you must be thinking that a lot of money has come. But I am also showing you the reality. See the reality. Let's move forward here. In this, its revenue is only 1800 rupees. Revenue has come from 1800 rupees. From this short, which has 1 crore views. This has gained me 24500 subscribers. Means my 24500 subscribers have come because of making this video. On this, my views are 10.7 million. Means it will be around 11 million. Let's go on engagement. Because here you will see two important things. One is watch time and one is average view duration. It is very important to explain this to you. Now we will talk about average view duration. Watch time. Watch time is 113.6. So we write 10 million views. Because of which we have 24500 subscribers. I will delete this later. And here our watch time is 113.6. Now I will take you to a similar video. Similar video. You can see that there are 10 million views from this video. So we have a video on which there are 10 million views.

Let's go to the most viewed video. So let's say my video has 12 million, 11 million, 10 million. I click on the video with 10 million. I clicked on the video with 10 million. Now what do you see here. I click on view more. So there are 10 million views. There were 10.7 million. I am still talking about 10.1 million. We are talking about 6 lakh views less. But you see the wonder. Before that you see watch time in hours. 1.2 million You understand that 1 million is 10 lakh hours. So we are talking about 12 lakh hours here. This was in 1000. It was 1 lakh. Here we are talking about 12 lakh hours. So 1.2 million hours. Same views. Views are the same. There is a shortage here. But now you see this magic. I had 24000 subscribers here. I have 3 lakh subscribers from this video. 24000 and 3 lakh. There is a lot of difference. Even if the revenue is definitely You always have more to make a long video.

So we also have a lot of revenue. We definitely did not get 1.18 lakh. It has come a lot. So what I want to tell you is Understand this point and this logic. Let's continue our talk. So we made a video. Our one short video went to 10 million. Views are the same. But see how different the impact is. Long video which has 10 million. He earned 3 lakh subscribers. He also gave a lot of watch time. And because watch time is more. What is the meaning of watch time? How many hours people are watching your content. If that video is also long. If we talk about the duration of that video. I was showing you. So its duration is 18 minutes. So this is a video of 18 minutes and 40 seconds. I am not saying that it is a very long video. But yes 18 minutes is a decent length. Now a video of 18 minutes. 3 lakh subscribers. So I am not just telling you not to make shorts. I am also making. But why am I making? What logic am I making? And what logic do you have to make? Understand this.

See what was the motive to explain this to you. What will you do? In today's date, you will see a lot of content creators. What are they doing? You will say that they are making shorts. I will also make shorts. And you will take two years to make shorts. And you will say that YouTube does not pay money. Can you gain some subscribers? Even after gaining subscribers, Can you gain subscribers? and today's masterclass is on earning. Now I will tell you what you have to do. What is important is that you pay attention to long videos. This is the first thumb rule for you that at least follow the rule of 3 is to 1. What is the rule of 3 is to 1? If you 271 0:10:16,800 –> 0:10:05,005 show you how different the impact is but you will not earn money are making three shots, then make at least one long video. Long video will be above your one minute. It can be above 8 minutes. I will give you an exact duration. If you make videos above 8 minutes, then it gets multiple ads.

Multiple ads do not come on videos less than 8 minutes. The first timing was 10 minutes. YouTube made it 8 minutes. So multiple ads can be put on the video after 8 minutes. You will see that many YouTubers are so intelligent that they will keep their videos just above 8 minutes. 8 minutes, 8 and a half minutes, 9 minutes videos will be there. What is the reason? Because they know this secret that multiple ads can be put after 8 minutes. Multiple ads will be put and multiple ads means more revenue. So if this video is less than 8 minutes and if the video is above 8 minutes, then there will be a difference in revenue more than double and if there is a difference of double from the revenue of the video. So see every creator is an entrepreneur.

He is a businessman in himself. He has to maximize his profits. So he has to pay attention to these secrets. Are you getting me? So this is the first logic I told you that you just pay attention to the shots. Shots are definitely good. Their reach can be more. People can like them more because it takes less time. People will see but here the watch time is less. Subscribers are less because one person has listened to you for 18 minutes. So there are a lot of chances of subscribing to him if he liked your content and when the video came out of 1 minute, you better understand this but yes if you tell people to share your shots, if you are making a reel, if you tell people to save, then definitely in the long term your followers and subscribers increase.

Let's understand what difference it makes. So I have cleared you. I have given you clarity. Ok so here comes our second aspect which is watch time. If there is a big secret of growing on YouTube, then it is watch time. Sir, you understand my point. You made a 5-minute video. Now some people say that a 5-minute video should be made or a 15-minute video should be made. If you have made a 5-minute video and people are watching it for 4 minutes. You have made a 5-minute video. I have just shown you the average view duration. It is the most important. The video will be played on YouTube. YouTube's algorithm will promote it only when its average view duration will be more. So if there is a 5-minute video and people are watching it for 4 minutes and there is a 15-minute video which people are watching for 6 minutes, then what is better for you. You are watching it for 6 minutes. No, you are watching it for 6 minutes in comparison of 15 minutes and 4 minutes in comparison of 5 minutes.

This is better. More views will come on this video. This 5-minute video beat the 15-minute video. Now I will show you the logic. See, if I show you the average view duration, then we will go on average view duration. We will go on engagement. I have made a 18-minute video. The average view duration is 7 minutes. If you say, then it is not even 50%. Sir, if it would have come above 50%, then more than 10 million views would have come. My average view duration is 7 on an 18-minute video. Then I got 10 million views. I will show you one more thing. We will go on another video. So I have a video of 43 minutes. It has 12 million views. I click on it. As soon as I click on it, what do I have to show you? I have to show you the average view duration. Let's continue. So see the average view duration is only 9 minutes.

9 minutes 23 seconds. It is a video of 40 minutes plus. People are watching the video for more than 40 minutes for 9 minutes. But according to YouTube, this is a good algorithm. That's why my video was promoted more. Now I will show you a latest video. Let's go to the latest video. Let's go to the most recent. So we have come to the most recent. Now let's take a video of 40 minutes. One video is of 1 hour 4 minutes and one video is of 38 minutes. Now let's understand both. See I clicked on the video of 38 minutes. We went to analytics here. We went to engagement. So see here, the average view duration of 38 minutes is 10 minutes. People are watching it for 10 minutes. So what is important here is that if you are making a shot, your one minute shot and people see this one minute shot completely, then it will go to millions.

If people see this shot for 30 seconds, then your views will be less and if they see it for 10 seconds, then your shot will not work. So you have to keep the average view duration together. Now your average view duration will be good. If people are watching your video for a long time, then watch time will come. What is watch time? See, as long as you watch, multiple ads will run in between.

If some ad is coming, then you will earn money. But if the ad is not coming, then how will you earn money and when will the ad come? When people will watch the video for a long time. Now to watch the video for a long time, you have to make good content. Now I will come on it and it will be a very important thing. But the discussion is still remaining, so you stay in the video and move forward. Because I also have to increase my watch time. Watch time is very important because I understand this. That's why I am able to teach you. Let's go to the subscriber count.

Now see when I am making this video today, we have about 8 million subscribers. I want to tell you one thing. People start their lakhs, 2 lakhs, 3 lakhs subscribers and people feel that I don't know what we have won. I will tell you from my side that the more your subscribers grow, the more you become grounded, the more you become humble. Because of everyone, if any content creator is making something today, if I am also making something today, then I am making it because of you people. So always the creator is made because of the audience.

It is not that the creator has done some magic. People have given love, that's why the subscribers have come. Now why are subscribers important? Subscribers are important because if 8 million people subscribe, then they get some value. If tomorrow there are 10 million subscribers, then people are getting value, that's why they are subscribing. Subscribers do not come on their own. Subscribers come when they get some value. They feel that we will get some good content on this channel again, so we subscribe.

So you can also tell people to subscribe. It is good to say. There is a saying in English, what you ask for is what you get. You get what you ask for. So tell your audience that you please subscribe to us. If you get value, then please subscribe because when you are asking to subscribe, then it is going in their mind that we have to take some action. So it is necessary to give a call to action. What can be your call to action? Subscribe, like, comment, share. All this is increasing engagement and algorithm is understanding that a video is being shared continuously. There are a lot of comments being liked. In fact, it is being disliked, then also that video will be promoted.

So what does the subscriber count show here? Suppose someone has a million subscribers. This is not so important. I will tell you what is important, but still understand that someone has a million subscribers. So what will a person think that a million people have subscribed to it. So here an authority is seen. Your authority is seen that yes, a million people have followed and subscribed. It is a good thing. So the advantage for you is that the more your number of subscribers, but does it make a difference on revenue? No, number of subscribers is not equal to revenue. Revenue is dependent on what? Is it dependent on views? I showed you that if you get Rs.

1800 for 10 lakhs, then people will leave content creation. Now content creation, YouTube revenue is one thing. People are fine, if you are on Instagram, then there is no revenue. Then why do people make videos on Instagram? They get paid collaborations, they get brand promotions. So what is the point of getting brand promotions? They know that we have 2-3-4-5 collaborations a month. We got some good money for it. So they have a sustainable model. But YouTube is even more sustainable because you get revenue here continuously. You get it daily and your money is credited every month. So I will tell you that around 25th, your account will get money. For example, there is a revenue of May, so by June 25, it will come in your account next month.

Now there is a threshold for this. YouTube monetization is a basic thing. I hope you have understood, but still did not understand. So if you want to earn money from YouTube, you need 1000 subscribers, you need a watch time of 4000 hours. I will tell you roughly, if you bring around 2.5 lakh views, then a watch time of 4000 hours is done. This is a rough idea. So watch time of 4000 hours. You see, YouTube did not say that bring views. What is YouTube saying? I will give you watch time. Watch time is coming for 4000 hours, it means that people are liking you. So that is why watch time is given importance for monetization rather than views. Are you understanding the point? Ok, let's continue. We were on revenue.

Now how does revenue increase? Now I will show you a secret here. How many people would like to see that secret? Now I can tell you to raise your hand at home because in front of me, I always feel that there are lakhs of people sitting. Let's continue. So now we come to a very important aspect and that is revenue. So our editors are very intelligent, they will take care of themselves. That's why I am not doing the phone screen there, you can zoom and see. I don't want to motivate you by showing revenue. See what is the focus, people can be motivated by seeing that. My goal is to tell you the logics. Your revenue should come, this is important.

So what I am showing you is a secret. Very few people will talk about this. 496 0:20:09,720 –> 0:20:02,800 But motivating people by looking at the revenue is not my goal. You will get negligible videos. So understand what I am telling you carefully. See the revenue, was moderate from June to October. But from November, there was a spike. And from November to December, January, February, March, April it went up. And in May and June, it started to go down. You can see from the video that the revenue is going down in June. Basically, I have felt that the brands, when their end of the year comes, the financial year is in March.

So they increase their budgeting from November to December. They increase the budget. They start investing more money on ads. And what happens from November to December, this revenue hikes. You must be thinking that the revenue has increased. So definitely it is watch time. Now I will show you the watch time and views. So let's go to the views. We will see the views of 365 days. As you saw the graph of revenue, is it the same graph? Definitely the views have increased. But significantly, the revenue that increased, according to that, the views did not increase significantly. You will say that the watch time has increased a lot. So I will show you the watch time. If we go to the watch time, and see the watch time of 365 days, you will see a stagnant graph. It is not that the watch time has increased drastically. And the revenue has increased a lot. But, I told you that the revenue is November, December, January, February, and March. These are some good months. But after March, April, April is also fine.

May, June, July, August. This graph will come down a little till November. And then it will start increasing. Let's talk about how much it can come down. See, I am telling you, we have multiple channels. I have noticed the same thing. That from 15% to 50% the revenue can go down. From June to November. But this is an observation. It is not like the previous observation. We cannot say that the forward testing is due to the back testing results in the strategy.

But yes, we have seen this generally for the past few years. Now, how will the revenue increase? You understood the watch time here. There are some other secrets. Let's understand them. I focus on these. And this is 3 Ts. Now, what are these 3 Ts important? First of all, you are making a video on this title. And then you type the title. Because in the title, there are keywords. And these keywords should support you in the other team. And that is tags. Many people ignore tags. But you have been given a limit of 500 tags. You put these tags here. Now I will tell you a secret. Because you are in the master class.

Whatever title you are writing for the video. For example, your video is 5 ways to earn from AI. Or chat GPT. So if you are 5 ways to earn from chat GPT, this is your title. You will copy it directly. I am telling you a website. Go to and paste your title. And as soon as you do generate, you will get tags for free. Copy it. And you can put these tags in your YouTube video. Directly. So these tags are very important. For what? For your video SEO. Search Engine Optimization. YouTube is a search engine. People search what they want to see. They search. Because people search, tags are highly highly highly important. Now after this, thumbnail. Your video thumbnail should be simple. It should be understandable. Don't be too full. And it should also look attractive. People should feel that this work has been done. So if your thumbnail is attractive, simple and people definitely. What do many people do? They don't pay much attention to the other two.

They just pay attention to the thumbnail. Because what they want is clickbait. People click. But one thing I am telling you. If your thumbnail is like this and it is not in the video, people will abuse you. I am telling you this. Because you have wasted people's time. So don't just run after clickbait. If you come on this video and this is a YouTube earning masterclass. And I am just talking something else. And I am not giving you value. So what will you feel? This is not right. But if you feel that I clicked.

I am getting amazing value. I am getting something to learn. Which will be really useful for us. So you subscribe without me. Even if I say no, you will not feel it. This was a very good information. And if you are going to get more videos in the future, then I definitely want it. That's why you will subscribe. You will click on the bell icon. And see I said it. But I said it subconsciously. Because I also know human psychology. That is important. That is a different thing. See whenever you are making videos, you need to make a connect with your audience. When I used to make videos on YouTube, before that I used to speak in front of people. I was not afraid to speak in front of audience.

So public speaking was very good. But when we used to speak in front of camera, and making videos for YouTube, there is no one sitting in front of you. You have to assume me. That you are sitting in front of me. You are listening to me. You have to assume me. So I am telling you a secret. That you have to feel that the person in front of you is talking to you. I have to feel that you are giving me a reaction on everything. I am asking you. You understood right? So I have to feel that you said yes. If I am not stopping. See this is the part of communication skill. So communication skills should be such that the person in front of you feels connected.

The more he feels connected, the more you will get watch time. Now if you are making a thumbnail, then make it according to the video we made. According to that video, your title will be there. Your video will rank. And people will like it. People will share and subscribe. Algorithm will support. Your video can go viral. Your video can go up. Now you will say how will I know on which topics I have to make videos. So if you are on YouTube. YouTube supports its creators a lot.

I want to show you here. I will turn on the screen recording again for you. Okay. So we come here on analytics. Now what you will see here. Along with the overview, you will see a tab of research. Here you can explore topics. Here YouTube is suggesting like it is suggesting for my channel what people are searching. Option trading strategies, price action trading strategies, option analysis. The topics on which I make videos. So related to them, it is giving me suggestions.

Here it is showing what content people have made. Other than that, it has given me other topics. So here you get a complete suggestion on what topics you have to focus on. On which topics you can focus and create content. So if you want to do research, YouTube is helping you here. Okay. So YouTube is helping you here too. Now finally we come to the most important topic. See. You have made a good thumbnail. You have paid attention to title tags. And I told you that you have to bring views, watch time, subscribers, revenue. There is a very big thing which I want you to note today. And that is content is the king.

This is the biggest statement. I genuinely want after watching this video, if you start your content creation journey, then you will not make content just to get views. You will make genuinely good content. And if you make good content, then you will feel proud of your content. And people will also feel proud of your content. And today or tomorrow you will get subscribers, money, you will get respect and fame.

But if today you make content just to get views, then you are seeing what people are making these days. And there is no value in that content. Only views come. People think that it is entertainment. But that does not make your brand. Your brand is made when you give good content. And I will tell you that if you go and tell the Prime Minister of our country that what I do, I am a content creator and I make this content. Then you can proudly show your Prime Minister what content you are making. And I am telling you genuinely that most people are not making such content.

That they can show their content at this level that we are creating this. On the first day, you may be making a video from your phone. You may not have expensive equipment. But that video should have value. Research, take time, make good content. It is possible that on the first day you may not be what you thought. But you should feel that if I have put content, then people will get value from it. If you are singing, then sing well. If you are dancing, then dance well. If you are cooking, then cook well. Focus is only on cooking well. If you are feeling satisfaction in your content, then that content will run today or tomorrow. I would like to show you one important thing. Look, there are different types of content creators in the market. I will show you what type of content creator I am. I understand two types of content. One is your trending content. What happened today? Today, the share market fell. Today, the share market fell. Today, the fight between Virat Kohli and Gambhir happened. Today, CSK won the IPL. Today, the share market fell.

Today, the share market fell. is one type of content that is trending content. What do most of the news channels cover? They cover trending topics. So one is to cover trending topics. This makes trending content. It is a limited life of trending content. One day, two days, one week, ten days, 798 0:30:18,800 –> 0:30:03,053 are the things that are happening today that are trending. This it is over. But there is one evergreen content which I call forever content. Now what is this forever content I will show you. See I made a video. I will not tell you exactly because you will understand by watching. So I made a video on Indiavix.

There were no views. Only 80,000 views came in two days. 80,000 views in two days. But I genuinely tell you that this video is very good. If you think what is Indiavix. If you start learning about share market, then you will gradually need knowledge on these topics. I know one thing that if you go to search Indiavix, then this video will be ranking.

Today, tomorrow, even after one year and even after five years. Because the value in this video, I know what value it has. Today it has 80,000 views. But if you see this video after one year, you will see that it has millions of views. Because this is not a trending content. Who wants to see Indiavix today? But people will search and see it. I know this. Because the content in the video is good. Content is the king. My content will get views. On the first day when I made videos, there are many videos that do not have views on the first day. I would like to show you. So for example, there is a video on which 12 million views have been discussed. This is a 43-minute video. Did it have 12 million views on the first day? No, I will show you its views. See the chart.

If I show you the chart of its views, since published, then there were not many views. Slowly and slowly, it is getting views day by day. So because the content is good, people will see it today and tomorrow. So there are two types of content, one is trending content and the other is forever content. Now you will say what should you make? See what is my focus? That I am in forever content.

It is not that I do not make trending content. I made it. I will show you this too. For example, I will show you again. It will be understood by looking at it. The video can be a little long, but it doesn't matter to me. You will get watch time, but people don't watch it when it is long. This is a short point. It is not that it is always good, but then it is okay. You should get value. This is the most important thing.

So now most of these videos are forever content. Now delta is neutral. People will see it today or tomorrow. But now there is such a video. For example, the notes of 2000 have been banned. Only 142,000 views have come, but this was trending content then. It didn't work. It didn't work, but now it is not forever content. Views will not increase on it. It is very difficult to be 2 lakhs from 142,000, but in the same way, suppose there are videos on chart reading. There are 472,000 on it. I am telling you, maybe you are watching the video after 3 months, 4 months. You go and check it. At that time there will be 6 lakhs or 8 lakhs views. Its views will definitely increase. I know this because content is the king. This is not trending content when I made it, but this video was important. I will show you one more example. Suppose I made a video on Virat Kohli vs Gautam Gambir's fight. Now I made a video on it. It has 3,90,000 views, but it has 3,90,000 views because it was a trending topic.

It was a trending topic, but it is not forever content. Now it will be 4 lakhs, but it is next to impossible to have 5 lakhs on it. If there is something like this again, then this video will work, otherwise this video will not work. Now what you have to do, if you want to get attention quickly, then you have to make trending content, but the formula is the same. If you are making 3 trending content, then make at least one forever content. Reason, you will take 2 years, 3 years, 4 years to create content on YouTube. You will make trending topics, you will get money on it, you will get views, but you stopped making content for 2 months, your views will start going down.

You will say, what is happening, revenue is not coming. Why is it not coming because people have seen it and the views are over, the video is over, finish, but if you have made forever content, then those videos will be giving you views, revenue, subscribers and your channel will not go down. So this is important according to me and same goes for shots also.

If you are making 3 trending shots, then make one forever shot. Forever shot is like that, people who will see it today, they will see it tomorrow, after 1 year, they will see it after 5 years, which can be relevant for them. Now you will say, what can happen in my field, for example, you make videos on tech, you do phone reviews, so if suppose iPhone 15 is coming, then iPhone 15 will be a trending topic, it will be going on today, as long as we are talking about 15, then 15 will come to 16, then maybe there will not be so many views on the video, you also know, but what can be forever content for you, for example, you run a food channel, now you make a video on how to make Gulab Jamun, so how to make Gulab Jamun at home, it will be seen today, it will be seen tomorrow, it will be seen after 5 years, because it is forever content.

Yes, there will be many people who will make the latest video on the same topic, so if their video is better, then their video can come up, but for example, Nisha Mudelika's channel, there are no trending topics in it, there are forever topics, she is teaching to make Shahi Paneer, she is teaching to make pizza at home, they want to learn today, they want to learn after 2 years, so it is all content, you should also pay attention to the content of forever, follow the ratio of at least 3 to 1, this is my suggestion, if you follow all this, then I feel that you are going to be a very successful content creator, now my throat is dry while speaking, but if you understand the point, then this is also worth it, let's finish, so we told you about 3Ts, title, tags, thumbnail, I have given you the content is the king formula, and today I told you that views, watch time, subscriber and revenue, the graph of all four should not go down, work on it, do research, see what people are making, what kind of content they are creating, to get ideas and you have to research on ideas, it will take time, this is also a full-time profession in itself, but yes it is rewarding, it can earn you good money, so focus on this field, if you got value from this video, then you can share it everywhere, so that people can learn from it, see for this content, many people can charge a lot, you are getting it for free, but free does not mean that it has no value, it has a lot of value, especially for those people who want to grow today, so please share it, you can subscribe, you can click on the bell icon, so that you don't miss the upcoming videos, and if you have any questions, you can ask in the comments, I will see you in the next video, till then you go self-made and Jai Hind!

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