What it takes to be a successful online student

What it takes to be a successful online student. Hear directly from Community College students on what YOU need to do to be successful in an online course. Time management: time management is probably the
biggest thing, because when you're not actually going into class and are forced to attend
class, and you know exactly when your tests are going to be because you're
there every day, you forget about it. So, keeping a
calendar whether it's on the wall or planner and knowing when your
assignments are due and what's due and then being able to you give
yourself the time accordingly, so you can get all the assignments
done. First time I took an online class, I actually did in the library. I needed to do it in an environment
where it's not too relaxing and comfortable.

On a more engaging where there are other
students around to motivate me and to make sure that I
am diligent with my coursework. Check your email constantly – a week before, sometimes a semester
before, just because there are instructors that will get a hold of you first semester prior, just to give you a heads up on the
literature that you might need or some other services. And then once you start the class, constantly check your email because
there's always stuff that's been offered from extra credit. To stay on top of the assignments.

not fall behind and definitely keep in contact with your
instructor. They are your best resource. More time to do it, but you forget sometimes. But when you're online, that its online and you have to get it
done. There's not a teacher there, to be like, "Oh, do you have your homework?" My advice for online students…Well, what I can say is don't wait for the last minute to turn in all your work. It requires more responsibility coming from the students, so schedule and discipline.

So, if you're just feeling a little bit lost
with the material, send him an email. It's right there and it's so easy to
do. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. You're not going to want to actually do
the work since no one's telling you to do it, so you have to tell yourself. And if you can actually make a time that
you set for yourself to do that work every single week, it's gonna help a
lot. It's very important to have basic
computer skills because your assignments will be
online. You will be doing things like discussion boards, turning in assignments online. You
will be using maybe possibly things like Turn-It-In-dot-Com. We turn in papers through a website, so having basic knowledge of how to work a computer is always a good thing..

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