How To Pitch Brands As A Small Influencer 2021| I MADE $5K w/ under 4K Followers |Media Kit Template

– What's up everybody it's me Chazeen, and if you are new to this channel and you have no clue who I am, I am a video producer/editor, that is my daytime job, nine to five, who genuinely enjoys sharing
information with people, hence this channel,
Life Hacks Destination. So today I am talking
about brand campaigns, how to book brand campaigns if your follower count is below 5,000. I am putting this video out because I asked so many people for advice and like, even just
doing a search on YouTube the answers are so, basic.

Basic, leaving me with so many questions and not really actionable items and ways to differentiate
myself from the masses and really, truly book some
legit worth my time gigs. So, here are my pro tips, all right, I hope you guys enjoy, and if you enjoy click the like button, let me know if you want me
to do more of these, okay? Number one, you need to have a media kit, that is the first, first,
first thing, all right.

Your media kit in it
should have a little bio, a little blurb about you. It should, if you've
worked with brands already, I would throw up all those logos, the biggest logos under past work. You want them to understand
the demo that you can attract, so, in your Instagram you can
usually find this information and I think in Facebook, yeah you have to, owned by the same company, you can find this info too. So I would list like what
are the key locations that are generally
looking at your content? These things are important because the brands wanna understand if your demo matches their demo.

I would also include some examples of the work that you
could create for them. Now if you've never done any
brand campaigns, that's fine, I would just say go out and stage them. That has been the story of my life. I wish I didn't think
if I should tell this, If I should share this, but, it's fine, get your hustle on. Yeah, but if I don't
have something to prove, like I just stage it and
I share it with them, this is what it would look like. I'm not lying, I'm not saying, oh, I've worked with this brand, I'm not encouraging anyone to lie.

I'm just saying examples of
work will be your heading and then you show some pictures or examples of posts that you would post. You could even actually, if there's a brand that
you're really excited about and you just genuinely appreciate, I would post something about them and then see how the responses turn out and then I would screen
grab that and include it. That's fine because you're
not posting that it's an ad, you're not making pretend that you're partnering with them when you actually aren't, so, that's one thing to keep in mind, if you have not worked
with brand campaigns you can definitely just stage at yourself and show them what
you're capable of doing.

And then I always like on my last page throw in some testimonials
so you can hear, or see rather, exactly
what people are saying in response to me when I post
things about their brands. So if you guys need a
little bit more guidance and say like a worksheet
would be helpful right now, would it, would it? In the description you will see a link to a worksheet that I have for you guys, I'ma hook y'all up, 'cause I want us all to do better, okay. Number two, piggybacking off
of the last thing that I said on your Instagram page, 'cause they're gonna check
out your Instagram page. The posts that are up there
should look very similar to what they can expect, all right. So you're setting the expectations
on your Instagram page. If you have any, just lame posts that are just bad quality and they just bring down
the quality of your page, I say, archive them, get them out of there because quality over quantity is what we're looking to
get with this, all right? So like, even if I'd rather
see like five strong, recent pictures as opposed to five mixed within 20 posts.

So that's one thing to keep in mind because when they go to your page, they are looking to see, okay, confirmation basically for everything that you
listed in the media kit, so you want it to be on point. Think of it as your resume and think of that Instagram
that way in general, if you're looking to make
yourself a brand and a business.

Number three, number
three is pitch yourself. I know this whole YouTube
video is called how to pitch but some people just sit back and kind of wait for brands
to reach out to them. There are people that
I know, I've spoken to, who have tons of followers,
like 300K followers, really great engagement, but, they've never pitched
themselves to a brand, they just wait for all the
brands to come to them, and that's cool, but if you're someone like
me who really wants to, I prefer to work with
brands that I genuinely like because I want my people to know, my community, my friends to know that when I refer them to
something, it's a definite.

I take my referrals, I take my opinions and all that stuff, every
representation of me very, very seriously. So I personally prefer
to reach out to people. Now how do you reach out to them? It's simple, you can utilize LinkedIn to look for like a marketing exec or use your keywords,
search the company first, go to the company's page and
then within the employees, you're going to search these keywords, marketing, social media, influencer, okay. Usually someone will pop up. If no one pops up there, I
like to go to social media. I like to use that, honestly,
first before LinkedIn. And I'll just message the page, DM them, and say, Hey I'd love
to work with your brand.

I actually usually include
a link to my media kit, because I feel like the more information you
can give people quickly, the better, the more likely you are to
get a response from them. And then I say, please let me know who I should email about collaborating with you and sharing my idea for the collaboration. And then what I do,
this is the next point, this is why we all up in here
with the life hacks, okay. You go to the comment section of a post, a recent post that they posted, and you message them and you say, hey, shot you a quick question via DM, something like that to
catch their attention.

'Cause as you guys know on Instagram, Instagram is my main baby, as you guys know, if the
person is not following you, your request end up in a whole other area where they will potentially
never ever see it. So you have to leave the comment so that you move them to
that DM message to see it. Now, when they send you the email address, some people might be thinking, all right why do I have
to email them because, can't I just drop the message in social? I did a whole Chaz Chats on this and I'm going to link it here. People do not like being
hit up about business, four page letters in their DMs, they don't like it, and I'm one of those people to be honest. I don't like looking at a four page letter in my Instagram messages. It just builds anxiety, doesn't feel good and I'm more likely to ignore it. So if you get my email address, that's probably better to
send the message there.

And also it just allows you to like properly format everything and make everything look as
professional as possible, include the attachment of your media kit and then include an attachment of, if you have one of these,
a brand campaign recap. So this is pretty much gonna
act as your case study. And I'm gonna include this link below, is gold, is gold. I had to say it a second time. Those ladies, they
represent the brand side and also the influencer side. And so the awesome thing about them is they just share knowledge.

It's directed towards travel
influencers, but still gold. I highly, highly encourage
you guys to check that out because they gave me that note, and that's where I got that from, give credit where credit is due. Next step, how to email them. So, you pretty much wanna treat this like this is a business
deal, because it is, okay. You wanna be as professional as possible. This is as if you are applying for a job, like a regular nine to five, okay. So you address them accordingly, not just, hey, blah, blah, blah, I would start out with
introducing yourself. Hey, I messaged you on Instagram, and then in parentheses I like to say my profile name, my handle. And then, I'm really interested
in collaborating with you, yada, yada, yada.

I usually like to, it's not what the intentions of bragging, but when people, if you
have those big logo names for past companies that
you've worked with, I would include those in the top, okay. I'd love to do similar work, I had a great experience
working with these companies and would love to transfer the
experience to our experience, that doesn't work. Yo, make it your own
words, you get the point.

And then below that I list my ideas and I come with not one pitch but at least two pitches, okay. And then once again, I attach my recap and I attach my media kit. And comment below if you
want me to do a video on how to create a solid recap. Okay, so I gave you the main tips, now here are some bonuses. Number one, if you post
something about them tag them in it, whether it is a story clip or whether it is a post post, tag them in it and then take that and send it to them
when you're asking them for their email address so that you can pitch them, gold. Because they already see you genuinely appreciate them, obviously, you can even share with
them what people have said, like I was saying before, and then it's just the better intro. Another thing, when you're traveling is the best, best time to pitch yourself. For some reason, everyone's interested in
different destinations now, especially with social media. So brands are interested
in placing their product in different destinations, in different scenes and whatnot.

So when I started doing brand campaigns, that's actually when I started. I knew I was traveling, once again, I had referenced Sidewalker Daily, and I started pitching. Now one really helpful tip is look for brand agencies
or influencer agencies. I ended up doing a search for agencies that represent
influencers of color, and that's how I nabbed
my first brand campaign, which was awesome. But just get creative with it, really kick in your hustler mode. Like how bad do you want it? Really, how bad do you want it? And if you're traveling, start looking for everything that has to, if you're like, oh where do I start? What company should I even look into? Keep a collection in your Instagram of different companies that you see working with influencers.

If you're friends with influencers and they happen to have the
same follower count as you, start saving those, start adding those to your collection. And then if you're going on vacation, ask yourself, okay, what does every brand that I'm coming in contact
with on this vacation? And then start pitching them. Like for Jamaica, I'm going to Jamaica. I pitched the company
that I'm staying with, it's not Airbnb, it's something like that, I pitched them, got a discount. Then, let's say, flights are hard, but let's say transportation, you could pitch them, get a discount, and before you know it, it's
just knocking dollars off. But if you go for a big
company, that's my last bonus, do not be afraid to go
for the big companies 'cause you never know
what they're looking for. Do not remove yourself from, take yourself out of the
running for any campaign, any company no matter how big it is.

That is was one thing I've learned, we never know what people are looking for. They might specifically choose you because you are someone who has braids and they needed that. So they're willing to disregard needing a higher follower account, or they might be a company that genuinely appreciates
micro influencers. Like Quest Nutrition is a company I love, I eat a lot of their protein
cookies, chips, bars.

I never would have thought they would have been
interested in working with me, but I tagged them on something and they responded back
like, oh yeah, nice. And that's the thing, just
because they say nice, don't just take yourself
out of the running and think, oh well they
would have asked me to make, become a brand ambassador
if they were interested, no, still pitch them. Then I pitched them and look at that, here we are now. Do not accept no for an answer. Well, until somebody gives
you the actual no, all right. So those are my main tips.

I really hope this is helpful for y'all because it took me some
time to get to this point, all right. So, if this is helpful for you I really encourage you
share it, share the wealth, that is the way you can
pay me back, all right. Pay me back for this information
that is free of charge. Share it, this is a new channel. Get the word going that Chazeen is here and here had to slay, okay. Click the like button, comment below, let me know which tip
was most helpful for you. And then, once again,
if you liked this video, you gon like this video,
so go ahead, take a click, I'm sure it has some information
that you need anyways.

(upbeat music).

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