Boosting Online Conversions with Proper Web Designs

Leads are great, but there is nothing more crucial to a business than conversions because, without them, you don’t get customers. A website turning people’s visits into conversions means getting the target audience to perform the desired action, what the company wants. It can be purchasing the product or service or simply subscribing to the company’s email list.

Improving conversion rates online is not very difficult. It can be done in many ways, from testing to be conducted surveys with customers; you can give them all a go. But nothing beats having a website with a killer design. Something people just cannot stay away from.

The design has to be a priority

Looks are not everything but they are something. Well-presented websites speak for themselves. This is an essential factor because users deem a site’s credibility by the looks of it more than anything else. A good design also means that the user is having a positive experience of their journey. This also means that there is a huge chance that they will become loyal customers and keep coming back for more.

Colors do matter

Marketing and advertisement agencies know the importance of color schemes. The choice you make in terms of color can be very detrimental in terms of what your effort’s outcome will be. Color is used everywhere, from packaging to your creatives and it impacts your consumer’s purchase decision too. A lot of research shows how people buy simply because of the color of the product pleased them. Anything aesthetically pleasing will be wanted by all. So, when it comes to your website too, pick vibrant colors that match your brand’s image and bring out the emotion you want in your audience when they visit your site.

Being mobile-friendly

All internet users today, mostly access it through their mobile phones. May it be to check their emails, search for something or use social media, people seem to prefer their phones. It is, therefore, extremely important that your website fits a phone user and it looks and works just as good as it would via desktop. All call to action buttons and conversion points need to be optimized for the mobile screen. The journey can be simplified but the quality and experience need to be top-notch. Fix bugs and load time for better results.

Deciding the page layout

Knowing what it must be like when a user looks at your web page will be helpful to you when it comes to deciding what layout would suit your page the best. The design should be well made with key information in the right place so that your user’s eyes go towards what is important. Find the best area to place, whichever key content you think is most important. Know what to place right at the top, what needs to be at the absolute bottom and what needs to be displayed at the conversion point. Each positioning should have relevance and meaning for you choosing to place it there. Haphazardly placing content all over the place with too much going on will just leave users confused and they might just end up missing out on some essential information.

Utilizing white space well

This is also known as negative space. White space is the free space you find around an image or a graphic element on the site. Most designers feel the need to fill up this blank space just because there exists some. Sometimes, it is alright to just let these spaces be. Forcefully putting something there will just leave the whole place looking cluttered and users will get lost or annoyed, in a worst-case scenario.

Navigation needs to be easy

Navigation has to be a breeze for your users. Help your users take action by guiding them towards whatever your desired action is. Creating an intuitive way to navigate while making it easy to find what the visitors want is preferable. The aim is to get visitors where they want to go, but with the least number of clicks.

CTA buttons need to be strong

CTA (call to action) buttons are what users click to perform the full conversion process. If your CTA button is good, it will reflect positively on conversion rates. Color comes into play in this aspect, so ensure design-wise, these buttons are well colored and highlighted, they need to stand out on the page.

Using images

Images are your friends. Using images to nudge your users into going to a specific part of the website is a smart tactic. You can use these images as cues that give people the direction of where they must go next. Otherwise too, images are a delightful element to add to websites to make them look beautiful. A picture does say a lot more than words!

Let the choices be minimal

When you give people too many options, they take a lot of time to pick and some may even get overwhelmed by the sheer pressure to make a decision. Web design can help increase conversion rate and if your design has highly directive and limited choices, it makes the process more efficient.

Snackable content

People like information, but they cannot consume too much at one go. What works in such cases is boiling down large chunks of content into brief, crisp ones. People find such content easier to absorb and even retain information.

Web design to include video to promote engagement

Design your site in such a way that people can engage themselves in it. Include video content that they might enjoy, along with comment sections where they can post their feedback. This makes them feel involved and like their voice is heard. From your end too, keep communication active by providing testimonials for the benefit of your customers on your website. This makes you look more reliable in the eyes of users. Make sure you include authentic audience feedback. Invest in automation as well, that way; there will be a conservation of resources.

Category: web design
Keywords: marketing, conversions, leads, web design
Tags: web design, lead generation