😎18 strategies to become an influencer with no audience

18 strategies to become an influencer with no 
audience hey guys have you wanted to become   an influencer have you wanted to get paid to do 
endorsements or paid to talk about products or pay   just to mention a company's name this video is for 
you i'm going to walk you through 18 strategies   on how to become an influencer even if you don't 
have an audience now if you're new to the channel   be true to the channel don't forget to hit that 
subscribe button down there turn it from red   to gray don't forget ring the bell turn on all 
bell notifications so you're notified each and   every time i go live or if i upload a video now 
let's get right into this you're going to be an   influencer by the end of this video because you're 
going to know what to do let's get into all the   steps number one be a niche influencer here's what 
i mean by that you want to niche down you want to   be very very specific the more specific you can 
possibly be the better off you're going to be   let's say you were talking about pets okay that 
is a niche but it's too broad so we narrow that   down to dogs okay so we're going to narrow it down 
to dogs which are pets still too broad maybe we   want to narrow it down to pets nutrition okay so 
that's still a little bit broad pet nutrition is   kind of broad for dogs but what if we narrowed 
it down to food and we went down and we said   we are a raw food uh proponent in other words we 
believe in raw food feeding for dogs that is a   great niche right now there's a lot of products 
sold in that area if you niche down to a product   like that you're gonna more easily build your 
influence number two develop a content strategy   now here's what i mean you're going to be posting 
content maybe it's a blog maybe it's a video or   whatever maybe it's tweets you want to make sure 
you have some type of strategy don't randomly   post twice a week and then wait three months and 
then post once more you've got to have a content   strategy you're going to have specific times 
and days that you're going to post your content   also develop your voice at that time are you going 
to be humorous are you going to be serious are   you going to be educational develop that content 
strategy so it makes sense and so people can start   to follow it number three select your channels 
don't randomly post on one channel and then some   other channel and another channel people can't 
follow you if you jump all around so pick two   or three channels or four channels whatever you 
want and make sure you consistently post on those   channels it's very important that you pick the 
channels where your audience is going to be the   audience for pinterest is vastly different than 
that for youtube so make sure you find something   similar to what you're doing and figure out 
what channels they're on and you get on the same   channels number four network within your industry 
whatever your niche is whatever your industry is   find out who the leaders are start following those 
leaders converse with those leaders talk to them   go to events where you can meet people that are 
also going to be leaders in that community you've   got to get entrenched into that community to be 
seen as an influencer number five participate   in online forums start attending things that has 
other people that are like-minded as you you need   to start getting to know people online you can 
also go to live events and meet people at live   events but you've got to start meeting the people 
within your niche to be known within your niche   number six you want to create a website or a blog 
guys this is so important so many people say do   i have to have a website the answer is no only if 
you want to be successful okay people have to have   a place online to get more information about you 
to talk to you to send you messages to see your   content websites are very important guys websites 
are easy to develop if you don't know how to do it   you can hire somebody on upwork or freelancer 
or fiverr get yourself a website number seven   contribute to the conversation don't just go and 
try to build relationships with people saying   hi how are you come see my website that's not 
what you want to do if they're talking about a   particular subject you want to talk about that 
subject put your input on the comments section   okay send them your input in emails whatever 
you want to do but actually contribute to the   conversation and make sure it's positive don't 
start tearing people down if you have something   negative to say to somebody don't just don't 
number eight stay ahead of current events   this is super important you can set up reminders 
in google that will send you an email when a   particular subject is written on online and it 
will let you know where that subject is you can go   there and look it up but you need to stay cutting 
edge if you stay cutting edge people are going to   start coming to you for information because they 
know you know it before anybody else number nine   know the social media platforms that are important 
to your niche this is super important guys certain   platforms cater different niches not saying that 
there isn't uh you're a niche on every single   platform but certain ones will attract more people 
figure out what those are look at your competitors   figure out where they are get on those platforms 
and know those platforms so that you can get your   message out to your audience number 10 don't 
copy other people just don't do it don't do it   you know it's tempting to go out there and see a 
garyvee and say well i'm going to use the f word   throughout everything i do because he does that 
there's a lot more to gary vee than using the f   word okay and to try to emulate somebody else's 
personality is almost always doomed i don't   know of anybody that really got super successful 
because they copied somebody else's personality   you have your own unique personality now you may 
think it's not as dynamic as somebody else or it's   not as funny as somebody else but it's yours 
and if you just come across genuine with your   own personality there's going to be people that 
are going to resonate with you you know whether   you're tall or short or what color you are or 
what race you are what ethnicity it doesn't   matter you're you just be you and people will find 
you if you put out good content and you work hard   you're going to become an influencer number 11 
respond respond what am i mean by that i mean   respond to comments when people are commenting 
on your content they obviously want to have a   conversation with you if you ignore them then 
they're not going to try to have a conversation   with you anymore now why is that important well 
because most platforms like youtube here looks at   engagement are people actually engaging with you 
are they talking to you are they reaching out to   you and if they are and then you don't reach out 
back and you don't say something back to them then   they're gonna quit and the other people that were 
gonna write a comment sees that you don't respond   to any comments and they're going to think what's 
the point this person never responds to anything   test me on this comment on this video and ask me 
a question and i almost guarantee unless i miss it   which i don't usually i almost guarantee you i'm 
going to respond i'm going to say something back   to you i'm going to answer your question and i may 
even ask you a question to keep the conversation   going so you've got to respond to all the comments 
on all of your content now you will be tempted to   hire somebody to do this they won't be your voice 
and you're going to say well jr that would be a   lot of work no it won't because in the beginning 
you won't get hardly any comments okay so you're   going to be lucky to get any comments and when you 
do get them you should respond to them and that's   going to build your audience that's going to build 
the loyalty between your audience and yourself   number 12 engage with your community don't 
always think that the way you're going to   build your audience is always staying on your 
channel and doing your stuff you need to get   out there and you need to join some communities 
maybe some groups on facebook maybe you look at   other people's blogs and you put some comments 
in there you gotta you gotta be in the industry   you gotta be out there people have to know of you 
you know it's it's hard to build uh an audience   and be an influencer if nobody knows who you are 
and you hide all the time so it's really important   that you get in some of these groups you comment 
and you contribute and don't say negative things   number 13 consistently post fresh content this 
is so very important guys people can only read   your content so many times okay they're not going 
to read it but once if you're lucky right so you   need to constantly publish good content and you 
need to do it consistently on this channel here   i've got a little over 1200 videos at the time of 
this recording i'll probably have a lot more by   the time you see this in a few months or years or 
whatever but the point is i've published a lot of   content there's a lot of stuff there for people to 
latch on to there's a lot of subject matter there   there's a lot of learning there you have to do 
the same thing you need to publish fresh content   never mind the fact that the algorithms all these 
social media algorithms will show your content to   more people if they see that you're consistently 
posting fresh content so you got to do that number   14 listen to criticism oh so hard to do right i 
remember when i first started doing videos in the   beginning of my channel some of the first videos 
and you don't want to look at those please don't   go back to the first videos but i i was doing 
these little short one or two minute videos   and i had way too much energy i mean no human 
should have that much energy and somebody said   and i quote you sound like a used car salesman 
now this hurt a couple ways first off because   that's that's a derogatory remark and the 
fact that i used to be a used car salesman so   so i did write back and i said well you know i'm 
sorry you know you felt that way but i did used   to sell cars and i didn't mean to offend you 
or anything and they actually responded back   they were very kind they were like oh i didn't 
mean to hurt your feelings or anything like that   i just kind of noticed and that helped me it 
helped me know that i was doing something wrong   and i need to change it i was overdoing it 
okay that's what they were actually saying to   me as i was overdoing it so listen to criticism 
number 15 remain approachable okay you're never   going to get to a level where you're better 
than anybody else i don't care who you are   i don't care what you've done you're never better 
than anybody else so when people want to talk to   you or say hello to you or whatever make them feel 
comfortable make them feel welcome let them know   they're appreciated because if you want to be an 
influencer you better respect the people that are   going to be listening to you that's rule number 
one is respect those people listening to you be   approachable number 16 research new topics on a 
daily basis okay you've got to constantly come up   with new content if you want to be an influencer 
you've got to come up with new topics you can't   talk about the same thing over and over and 
over and over you've got to have new angles on   it you've got to have new topics this is going to 
require that you do some research on a daily basis   number 17 automate your post i use hootsuite 
and hootsuite will post things on twitter and   instagram and facebook and youtube it'll 
do all these things for me automatically   use some of these tools hootsuite 
is a really good one i recommend it   check that one out it'll help you out you can also 
schedule your post so they go out certain times of   the day and certain days of the week super helpful 
for planning your content especially if you want   to sail around the world to be a digital nomad 
which you probably will number 18 give shout outs   and follow the influencers in your niche a lot of 
people say well i don't want to send any traffic   to my competitors out there that would be terrible 
no it's a good thing when you give a shout out or   you tag one of your competitors they're going to 
know that you exist and who knows maybe they'll   tag you and if they tag you guess what you may 
build your audience be kind to other people and   if i could end this with anything else it would 
be just be kind to other people i've seen too   many mean people in my life and you know i was not 
always a good person i've changed over the years   maybe you were mean to people in the past but 
that doesn't mean you've got to be mean anymore   i go out to restaurants a lot and i would usually 
comment if i like the food or didn't like the food   years ago i quit doing that the only way 
i'm going to comment on a restaurant now is   if i like it if i don't like it i'm going to 
keep my mouth shut because that's my opinion   in my opinion may not be the next person's 
why do anything to hurt that restaurant why   do anything to hurt anybody anymore guys we 
only have so many years here we might as well   be kind to other people and now be kind to 
me if you would please subscribe that would   be really kind hit the subscribe button turn it 
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that's what i'm looking for thank you so much for   watching this video i really appreciate it have 
a great day and i'll see you in the next video hey thanks for watching my video don't 
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